Everyday Catholic

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The Father's Love

See what love the Father has bestowed on us, that we may be called the children of God, and yet so we are. . . 1 John 1:3

Sometimes we can miss just how much the Father loves for us. It seems that in the popular conception of Christianity, Jesus really loves us, but the father? It almost seems that he Jesus had to die to protect us from the Father. That is just not true. It is a diabolical telling of the story, that misses something important. God the Father loves us.

Jesus tells us to pray, “our Father. . .” He also says that the Father is a good father, “If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.” St. Paul goes on to say, that Spirit enables us to cry our “Abba!” or Daddy! and that in Christ we have been made coheirs. That means that in the Father, we have an inheritance. In this program Chris will explore the truth about the Father’s love and invite your group to enter in to that love.

The Father’s love can be presented for Teen, Adults or mixed groups of Teens and Adults.