Everyday Catholic

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We Got Every Dose

You know what? Having six kids is crazy.

Wonderful? Of course.

Full of joy? You know it is.

Boring? No.

Easy? Haha, No.

Throw in the mix a four-year-old with cancer and life, well, it adds a whole new level of "How are we going to do this?" None of this is the point of this post, but I just wanted to put it out there as a bit of an explanation for why it's been a while since I update everyone on Ben's fight. We are so grateful for the many people praying with us and for the incredible outpouring of support we have received along the way, and I just wanted you to know we have not forgotten about you. We have just been a little overwhelmed.

OK, so what is the point of this post? Well, today's post is a HUGE praise report. As many of you know, Ben developed an allergy to a critical chemo drug, PEG Asparaginase. The backup drug, Erwinaze, has been in an international shortage. Every time Ben has needed it, there has been a big question mark as to whether or not he would be getting it. I We brought all of this to you, our community online and locally. We asked you for prayer. We asked for help in reaching out to the pharmaceutical company. Your response was amazing, and I am writing to you today to inform you that your prayer has great effect.


Did you hear that? EVERY. SINGLE. DOSE.

Praise God. Praise his Holy Name. Glory to the King of Kings. Thank you, Jesus.

And thank you for praying with us.

Of course, there is more to the story, and hopefully, I will have the chance to chronicle it for you at some point.

Right now, Ben is in the middle of his roughest chemo block, Delayed Intensification. He has been weathering the storm well, but it is quite a storm. Sadly, the Erwinaze that we have been praying for takes quite a toll on him. Add that to the high doses of steroids and other chemo meds, and Ben's been lying on the couch listening to Jazz a lot over the last month. Hard to see him down, but we know that it means the drugs are doing what they need to do. This block will last through January, so thanks for keeping our little guy in your prayers.

God is faithful,
